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Headshot of Vicky Addison

Vicky Addison

Head of Enterprise & Innovation

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Image of Professor Chris Bingham

Professor Chris Bingham

Professor of Energy Conversion

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A man smiling wearing a khaki green shirt

Dr Peter Eaton

Instrument Scientist

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Saul Hunter headshot

Dr Saul Hunter

Lecturer in Chemistry

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Man stood in front of a FIB-SEM

Dr Sumit Konar

Instrument Scientist

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A smiling man looking over a fence with a field behind him

Dr Con (Rob) McElroy

Senior Lecturer in Green Chemistry

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Professor Tasnim Munshi

Head of the School of Chemistry

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An image of Dr Patrick Pang, Instrument Scientist

Dr Patrick Pang

Instrument Scientist

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A smiling man wearing a green hoody

Dr Stephen Prior

Senior Instrument Scientist

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A man in a lab coat

Dr Nicholas Riess

Senior Project Scientist

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A man in a grey suit stood in front of a microscope

Professor Ian Scowen

Professor of Chemistry

A smiling man in a white shirt sat in a blue chair

Dr Matthew Thornton

Commercial Manager

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Professor Matt Watkins

Professor of Chemical Physics

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